Our Get Solutions Method™

Creating high-touch experiences across your ideal client lifecyle, online integrations, and more for dedicated consultants with 1-2 decision makers in 2-4 day short intensives.

We execute everything according to your company's needs in 2-4 days.  How is this possible?  We do the bulk of the automation and content work ahead of time, so that we efficiently utilize your time to get feedback, make edits in real time, polish, and move forward.

All to help you make more money without having to work all of the time in your business.

Get Connected Solutions

For clients who need the fundamentals and are struggling with getting qualified prospects to become buyers.

We implement the business automation strategy developed in the Imperfect Path to Profit Plan to get you away from the manual chaos to tight and consistent processes that make it easier for people to buy from you.

Often this includes capturing contacts to invitation emails to meet with you to online appointment integrations to welcome series emails.  

2-days of your time over 2 weeks
Initial Setup Session 11am-1pm CT
Intensive Session 1pm-5pm CT

$ 5,000 *

* Previous payment from the Imperfect Path to Profit Plan is applied to the cost.

Includes access to the best pricing available for Keap, our preferred all-in-one business automation platform for all of our clients.

Get Consistent Solutions

For clients who are frustrated with the chaos of promoting and delivering their value-added content and want a quick and repeatable process.

We implement the business automation strategy developed in the Imperfect Path to Profit Plan to deliver your content more smoothly and with less effort to make it easier for people to consume, engage, and purchase your offerings.

May include everything from landing pages to email campaigns to webinar integrations to checkout forms to sales pipelines.

This is our most popular Get Solutions package because it fulfills the immediate needs of most consultants we meet.

3-days of your time over 3 weeks
Initial Setup Session 11am-2pm CT
Intensive Session part 1 1pm-4pm CT
Intensive Session part 2 1pm-5pm CT

$ 10,000 *

* Previous payment from the Imperfect Path to Profit Plan is applied to the cost.

Includes access to the best pricing available for Keap, our preferred all-in-one business automation platform for all of our clients.

Get Creative Solutions

For clients who are ready to close the gaps in their ideal buyer’s experience to create predictable revenue.

We implement the business automation strategy developed in the Imperfect Path to Profit Plan to streamline your marketing, sales, service, and business operations to save time, delight your ideal audience, and grow profitably.

May include everything from mini courses to paid webinars to product launches to membership training emails to advanced tool integrations.

4-5 days of your time over 4 weeks
Initial Setup Session 11am-2pm CT
Intensive Session part 1 1pm-4pm CT
Intensive Session part 2 1pm-5pm CT
Intensive Session part 3 1pm-5pm CT

$ 15,000+ *

* Previous payment from the Imperfect Path to Profit Plan is applied to the cost.

Includes access to the best pricing available for Keap, our preferred all-in-one business automation platform for all of our clients.

Here is what just a few of our clients had to say:

~ Consultants, who have more time now to work their clients

"Integrated Marketing Werx taught me how to convert more hot leads into prospects and helped me shorten my sales cycle. I'm booking more calls than I have in the last 6 months."

~ Consultants, who also want to spend more time with their families

"Working with Integrated Marketing Werx has transformed my business. I booked more calls in the past 2 weeks than in the previous 6 months combined. I feel so confident when I talk to my ideal prospects now and the number of inbound inquiries I’m receiving has tripled! Now my time is focused in my business which gives me more time with my family. I can’t thank you enough!"